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Wijaya Undu Flour (200g)

Wijaya Undu Flour (200g)

Regular price $4.00 SGD
Regular price $4.00 SGD Sale price $4.00 SGD
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(SKU: LSZ0910998) Experience culinary excellence with Wijaya Undu Flour (200g). Crafted for perfection, this premium flour ensures lump-free textures in your dishes. Versatile, easy to use, and enhancing flavors, Undu Flour is a must-have for all kitchens. Features: Quality Assurance: Meticulously sourced and processed for consistent quality. Smooth Results: Achieve flawless textures in gravies, sauces, and more. Cooking Versatility: Suitable for various culinary applications. Effortless Integration: Dissolves quickly, simplifying cooking processes. Flavor Enhancing: Elevates natural flavors without overpowering. Smart Packaging: Resealable pack maintains freshness and reduces waste. Instructions: Create a smooth paste by mixing Undu Flour with liquid. Gradually add the paste to your dish while stirring to avoid lumps. Cook until your desired consistency and flavors develop. Elevate your dishes with Wijaya Undu Flour — your key to exceptional cooking.

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