
Kollupitiya Kollupitiya Kollupitiya

Kollupitiya, also known as Colpetty is a major neighbourhood of Colombo, Sri Lanka. The name Kollupitiya comes from the name of a chief from Kandy who had unsuccessfully attempted to dethrone the last king of Kandy. During the period of British and Dutch administration, a brewery had commenced in Kollupitiya which converted coconut treacle into liquor.Nowadays, the suburb is a thriving commercial area containing fashionable high-end shopping malls. Some foreign embassies are located in Kollupitiya. The Prime Minister's House (Colombo) is located in Colombo 3 just two blocks south of Maha Nuge Gardens; a prominent private laneway in Kollupitiya.


Kollupitiya is a multi-religious and multi-ethnic area. The major ethnic communities in Kollupitiya are Sri Lankan Moors, Sinhalese, and Sri Lankan Tamils. There are also various minorities, such as Burghers. Religions include Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity

Muslim traders form a large part of the Kollupitiya economy with many businesses being operated by the local Sri Lankan Moors. In recent years, the influx of Chinese expatriates to Colombo has led to an increase of Chinese shops and businesses in the area. Many Chinese expatriates have opened shops and other businesses that cater towards the Chinese expatriate community. Some Sri Lankan residents of Kollupitiya have also been influenced by the influx of Chinese people to the area by shopping at the Chinese-run businesses and even picking up aspects of Mandarin Chinese

  • Bishop's College
  • Mahanama College
  • Methodist College Colombo
  • S. Thomas' Preparatory School
Diplomatic Missions
  • Honorary Consulate General of Finland
  • Embassy of Germany
  • Honorary Consulate of Belgium (België/Belgique/Belgien)
  • High Commission of the Republic of India
  • High Commission of Malaysia
  • Honorary Consulate of Malta
  • Embassy of the United States of America and American Centre
  • Honorary Consulate of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Honorary Consulate of Botswana
  • Honorary Consulate of Chile
  • Embassy of The Sultanate of Oman
Government Offices
  • Temple Trees (presidential residence)
  • National Savings Bank Head Office (Savings House)
  • Sri Lanka Tourism headquarters
  • Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka
  • Department of Economic Development
【Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】